Monday, March 15, 2010

Dear Blog

Dear Blog,
I must address your purpose in my life- you are a starting point. Post-college life and a necessary but sometimes mindless job has stripped me of important brain cells. I am afraid that if I don't stimulate my gray matter in some way other than playing 50 games of Bananagrams with my roommate, I will lose what creative ability remains.

You are a starting point because from this point on, I will attempt to consistently blog about my daily musings. I can't promise these musings will contain any depth whatsoever, in fact, they will probably be select thoughts that serve no purpose other than inspiring me to write. And hopefully, I will sometimes fulfill the purpose posed by your title.

So there it is, Blog. From here on out, I will use you as my outlet, where I throw up all sorts of useless information and anecdotes. I think we are going to be good friends.


Today's playlist: Feist- "Mushaboom" (Mocky mix)